These General and Special Conditions of Sale apply, unless otherwise stipulated, to all contracts concluded between:

on the one hand, the various agencies of the INFINITA Group network (complete list COLOMBIA INFINITA, COSTA RICA INFINITA), hereinafter referred to as “the Agency”.
on the other hand, any natural or legal person using the services of the Agency, hereinafter referred to as “the Client”.
Is called “the Participant” any natural person participating in the trip organized by the Customer.

The Agency offers the Customer the possibility of making a trip to his country of establishment by allowing him to choose the destination or destinations visited (including neighboring countries of the country of establishment), routes, excursions, activities and accommodation .
or in some regions
or concerning certain services such as cruises and boat or vehicle rentals These conditions will be mentioned in the quote sent to the Customer, they will take precedence over the General Conditions of Sale.

Any trip cancellation must be made by email and must in any case be completed by notification to the Agency by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

Reimbursement by the Agency of the sums paid will be made under the conditions and limits defined below.

From 90 to 119 days before arrival: 70% of the land deposit paid will be retained, corresponding to prepayments for certain services.
From 46 to 89 days before arrival: 100% of the deposit paid will be retained, corresponding to prepayments for certain services.
Less than 30 days before arrival: 100% of the total amount of the file will be retained.
Air services cannot be reimbursed in any way once the Agency has purchased the tickets, which cannot be changed or exchanged.

If one or more travelers registered for the same trip cancel their participation which remains maintained for the other Participants, the Agency reserves the right to revise the prices according to the updated number of Participants.

Any delay in the payment of the balance may be considered by the Agency as a cancellation by the Client for which the cancellation fees referred to above will be applied. The Agency then reserves the right to use the deposit to cover the services not reimbursed by the service providers and not to guarantee the operation of the circuit.

In the event that the reservation of services involves the Agency’s commitment to expenses which cannot be reimbursed, regardless of the reason for the cancellation or the anticipation with which it is formulated (such as the purchase of certain plane tickets, the reservation of hotel packages on specific dates, etc.), the reimbursement methods mentioned above cannot be applied.

Any trip interrupted, modified or shortened or any service not consumed by the Participant, for any reason whatsoever, will not give rise to any reimbursement or compensation from the Agency.
Any modification by the Participant involving a change in service (hotels, transport, etc.) or program (length of stay, stages, etc.) will be invoiced to him.
A modification at the initiative of the Customer or one of the Participants relating to the destination or a change of date is considered as a cancellation.
Any complaint must be notified in writing by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the Agency, accompanied by supporting documents, within 30 days after the date of return from the trip.
Any dispute will be settled amicably.
In the event of complete disagreement, the Agency being a company governed by local law, it is the Courts of the city where the Agency is located which will be deemed competent.

By agreeing to travel with the Agency, the Participants undertake to take out insurance for medical assistance and repatriation as well as cancellation insurance which must be sent to the Agency before departure.
In the event that the Participants’ plane ticket has been paid for with their bank card, or in the event that the deposit has been paid via the Agency’s online payment service, the Participants are likely to be covered .
Only the banking institution concerned by this regulation can confirm or invalidate it.

The decision to subscribe or not to such insurance as well as the choice thereof are the sole responsibility of the Participants.

The Agency reserves the right to have Participants sign a waiver of liability upon their arrival in the country of destination.
In the event of high-risk activities (extreme sports, mountaineering/andinism, diving, rafting, paragliding, etc.), Participants must take out additional specific insurance and communicate it to the Agency before departure.

The Agency is a partner of insurance companies and can offer insurance according to the needs of the Participants (cancellation, repatriation, multi-risk).

The Agency has signed a contract guaranteeing its professional civil liability under the conditions provided for by the texts in force.
Before any registration to undertake the trip, each Participant must check, according to his personal situation, that he is in possession of a passport and/or other document(s) (national identity card, visa, family record book, authorization to leave the territory for minors, vaccination record, driving license, etc., valid and in accordance with the requirements for transiting and/or entering the country(ies) of the trip.

Each Participant will be responsible for obtaining all the documents required by the authorities of the countries visited.

The Agency provides information on the administrative and/or health formalities necessary for the execution of these trips on its website and in the documentation provided.
This information is given by the Agency for information purposes only, and cannot engage its responsibility, nor replace the individual responsibility of each of the Participants. It is therefore strongly advised to check before departure and with the authorities concerned such as Consulates the list of necessary documents and the immigration, health and customs formalities in force.

The Agency will not be responsible in any case in case of delay or impossibility of a Participant to present documents in order. The consequences of any failure to present these documents will be entirely the responsibility of the Participant and any trip cancelled, interrupted or shortened by the Participant cannot give rise to any reimbursement or compensation of any kind.
The Client and the Participants in the trip are required to inform the Agency as well as the accompanying guides of their health and physical condition in order to take them into account in carrying out the activities.
Even informed, the Agency and its guides cannot be held responsible in the event of an accident resulting from the condition of the Participant(s) concerned.

It is the responsibility of each Participant to check with his doctor if his state of health allows him an extended stay at altitude for the destinations concerned.

If the Participant has known difficulties (breathing for example) which may prove to be a handicap at altitude, he must ask the Agency, before his arrival in the country, for the possibility of providing an oxygen bottle.

In all cases, the Agency and its guides cannot replace doctors and clients to know what best suits the state of health of the participants and the adequacy of the activities offered with the physical and mental condition. of the client and the participants is the sole responsibility of the latter.
The Customer and the Participants in the trip are aware that, given the nature of the trip they choose, they may run certain risks due in particular to the distance from medical centers, the state of the roads, the adventurous nature of certain circuits (in particular hiking, water sports, scuba diving, all-terrain vehicle expeditions, etc.).

Organizations allowing rapid evacuation in certain places far from towns do not always exist.
The Customer and the Participants in the trip declare that they are aware of such risks and undertake, in the event of an accident, not to involve the responsibility of the Agency, its guides and various service providers.

If circumstances so require, and in particular to ensure the safety of an entire group of Participants, but also for climatic reasons or unforeseen events, the Agency reserves the right directly or through its guides or service providers to substitute one means of transport, accommodation, one itinerary for another, as well as the dates or times of departure, without the Participants being able to claim any compensation.

Each Participant must comply with the rules of prudence and community life, and follow the instructions given by the guide or the Agency’s service provider.

The Agency cannot be held responsible for accidents that may be due to the individual imprudence of one of the Participants. The Agency reserves the right to expel from a group at any time a Participant whose behavior can be considered to endanger the safety or well-being of other Participants. No compensation would then be due.
If the Participant concerned refuses to follow the instructions of the guide, the latter may have a liability waiver signed which will record the disagreement and release the Agency and the guide from any prosecution.
Participants are responsible for the personal property they keep in their custody, whether it is money, credit cards, jewelry, clothing, cameras or videos…
The Agency cannot be held responsible in the event of loss, theft or damage to luggage or personal effects during the trip and cannot be held liable to compensate customers in such circumstances.
In the event of a problem, Participants are recommended to have the facts noted by the competent local authorities (filing of a complaint).

The hotel infrastructure may be of lower quality than that which can be found in other regions of the world, and the local standards of appreciation of comfort, the number of stars, may not correspond to those to which the Participants are accustomed.
However, the Agency regularly works with hotel establishments with which relationships of trust are maintained.
The Participant may not request a refund for reasons of different judgment on comfort.

If the trip is disrupted due to changes in the airline for any cause external to the Agency, the Agency will make its best efforts to offer an alternative solution to the Participant(s).
The resulting costs will remain the responsibility of the Participant(s).
The rights to claim or compensation are those applicable according to the local laws in force. These steps can only be taken by the Participant, in a personal capacity.
Local authorities can sometimes suspend certain visits and trips at the last minute for the safety of people.
The Agency cannot be held responsible for the consequences of this decision, considered as a case of force majeure (eg:
loss of boat transfer or air flights).
If external events disrupt the normal running of the country (e.g. political and social unrest, natural disasters, strikes, roadblocks and demonstrations, etc.), the Agency reserves the right to cancel a trip or modify its content.
Participants will be informed in advance of the context and of all possibilities of change.
The Agency is primarily responsible for the safety of the people who take part in the trips it organizes.
In the event of cancellation, the Agency will not be required to reimburse the amounts paid and the participants cannot claim any compensation.
In case of modification of the route due to external events, a new estimate will be established and will be proposed to the Participant(s). All modification costs remain the responsibility of the Participant(s).

Services sold in a currency other than the US Dollar (in particular the Euro) are based on an exchange rate calculated at a given time. In the event of a sudden devaluation, the Agency reserves the right to reassess the amount of the trip, giving the customer the choice of maintaining the service or canceling it.
In addition, the Agency may find itself obliged to modify its prices and programs to take into account:

variations in the cost of transport, linked in particular to the cost of fuel.
the change in fees and taxes relating to the services provided such as landing, embarkation and disembarkation taxes.